Our hamsters have been busy again and a new update is live. Besides over 33 new skins, you will now also find a filter functionality. Search other gamecards by rank, lane, champion or region.
Here is a list of all new Skins:
- Ryze Championship
- Bewitching Janna
- Battle Queen Janna
- Captain Fortune
- Project Vayne
- True Damage Akali
- Blood Moon Aatrox Prestige Edition
- Dark Star Orianna
- Coven Zyra Prestige Edition
- KDA All Out Kaisa Prestige Edition
- Star Guardian Rakan
- Shan Hai Scrolls Jhin
- Red Card Katarina
- IG Irelia
- Shockblade Zed
- Infernal Nasus
- Zombie Brand
- Resistance Singed
- Elderwood Ornn
- PsyOps Samira
- Beemo
- Coven Camille
- KDA Akali Prestige Edition
- Moo Cow Alistar
- Blood Moon Talon
- Dawn Bringer Nidalee
- Project Jinx
- Spirit Blossom Teemo Prestige Edition
- Death Blossom Kha’Zix
- Blood Moon Evelynn
- Cosmic Destiny Nami
- Star Guardian Soraka Prestige Edition
- Battle Queen Katarina
If your favorite one is not yet designed, vote for it here: